Networking narcissism: essence, nature, reasons for the spread, the joining of Ukrainian youth
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 1
The essence and nature of networking narcissism is studied in the article. The author states that, within the objective structure of the macro level, the networking narcissism is a general hypertrophied state of the sputtered multiplicity of the unique, existing and fictional “I”. Sometimes this narcissism has been put at a level of daily and prereflexive consciousness, which represents excessive complacency or pathological narcissism of persons who, despite the actual social certainty of their identity, publicly are admiring themselves in different angles of infinite designing of themselves and the events of their life. Apparently they inherit the others and are showing the visual evidence of their existence via the Internet social networks. Sociological research confirms the presence of about five percent of youth in Ukraine represented in the survey as a potentially functioning “networking narcissus”. In general, moderate attitude towards the Internet prevails among the surveyed young people. The author also suggested a classification of the reasons of spread of networking narcissism.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Romaniuk
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