Neurophysiological Aspects of NeuroTactile Therapy of Masgutova Neurosensory Motor Reflex Integration MNRI® Method

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2017, Vol 21, Issue 1


In early childhood, touch is the fi rst means of communication with the surrounding world. How the parents touch and hold a baby and how frequently they touch it affects the emotional and physical development and health of the child. Studies demonstrate that deprivation of human contact for children usually causes them future anxiety and nervousness. The main assumptions of the MNRI® NeuroTactile therapy modality is to increase and create kinesthetic awareness in the body of a patient; to regulate functions of skin receptors by activation of the sense of touch and proprioception targeted at their neurological aspects – receptors, dermatomes, refl ex circuits and their functions. Techniques of the NeuroTactile Therapy created by Dr. Masgutova rely on providing a controlled amount of sensory stimuli and sensory-proprioceptive information for tactile and also proprioreceptive systems, particularly, to create and facilitate spontaneous physiological adaptive responses. The result is to improve the functions of the neurosensory motor system and overall neuro-development. The aim of this type of tactile training is to activate natural mechanisms for development, regulation and normalization of tactile perception, muscle tension, and also to promote sensory and sensory-motor integration mechanisms, develop kinesthetic awareness while reducing or eliminating stress and increasing neuroplasticity.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Nowak, Krzysztof Sendrowski


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  • EP ID EP187243
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0009.5483
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How To Cite

Katarzyna Nowak, Krzysztof Sendrowski (2017). Neurophysiological Aspects of NeuroTactile Therapy of Masgutova Neurosensory Motor Reflex Integration MNRI® Method. Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 21(1), 21-31.