Neuroticism and compulsive overeating(A comparative analysis of the level of neuroticism and anxiety in a group of females suffering from psychogenic binge eating, and in individuals exhibiting no mental or eating disorders)
Journal Title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy - Year 2012, Vol 14, Issue 3
Aim. The purpose of the current study was to: 1. conduct a comparative analysis of the level of neuroticism and anxiety in a group of selected females suffering from psychogenic binge eating, and in individuals exhibiting no mental or eating disorders; 2. assess the level of neuroticism as well as measure state and trait anxiety in females suffering from psychogenic binge eating disorder (BED); 3. emphasize the significance of a high level of neuroticism and anxiety in a population of females suffering from compulsive overeating, and to stress the need to apply group insight therapy in the process of treatment of patients diagnosed with BED. Method. A psychometric method was applied to measure the level of psychological traits. The level of neuroticism was examined using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Two states of anxiety: state anxiety and trait anxiety, were measured by means of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), devised by C.D. Spielberger, R.L. Gorsuch, and R.E. Lushene, and adapted into Polish by J. Strelau, T. Tysarczyk, and K. Wrześniowski. results. Statistical analysis of the data gathered as a result of this research revealed an increased (i.e. inappropriate and thus unhealthy) degree of neuroticism and trait anxiety in the examined females. In contrast, it was discovered that state anxiety level did not increase. Furthermore, a significant difference was traced between the females diagnosed with BED and the individuals comprising a general population, regarding the level of neuroticism. The former were observed to demonstrate an increased (inappropriate) degree of neuroticism as compared to the latter group of research subjects. This seems to explain the predisposition of the BED sufferers towards psychosomatic responses, which often take the form of a subconscious habit of emotional eating as an answer to emotional stimuli and stress. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)
Authors and Affiliations
Bernadetta Izydorczyk
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