The purpose of this research was twofold. First, to examine the role of the "Paradoxes" in sustainable tourism as well as in Puerto Rico's economy, Second, to determine the owner's knowledge on sustainable tourism. Twent...
The term demarketing refers to a strategy aimed at regulating the level and shape of actual and future demand by organizations (profit and non-profit as well as governments). Put differently, demarketing is the strategic...
Se analiza la calidad del desempeño gerencial a la luz del paradigma de optimización que ofrece el problema dual del modelo de programación lineal. Partiendo de esta postura teórica, se explora la relación entre decisión...
Present and evaluate the literature with respect to business service outsourcing (BSO), with a particular concentration on a common [Orm of BSO, information technology (IT). The review defines the issues with respect to...
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las formas de finan ciamiento para los emprendedores en la actualidad, a través del modelo del crowdfunding. Esta herramienta del siglo XXI permite la obtención de r...
The Roll of Small Tourism Business in Sustaniable Tourism: The Case of the "Paradores" of Puerto Rico
The purpose of this research was twofold. First, to examine the role of the "Paradoxes" in sustainable tourism as well as in Puerto Rico's economy, Second, to determine the owner's knowledge on sustainable tourism. Twent...
The Evolution of Demarketing Literature
The term demarketing refers to a strategy aimed at regulating the level and shape of actual and future demand by organizations (profit and non-profit as well as governments). Put differently, demarketing is the strategic...
Dualidad matemática y calidad gerencial: Una vislumbre del Karma en el ámbito económico-organizacional
Se analiza la calidad del desempeño gerencial a la luz del paradigma de optimización que ofrece el problema dual del modelo de programación lineal. Partiendo de esta postura teórica, se explora la relación entre decisión...
Business Service Outsourcing: An Evolution of Concentration on Core Business Concepts and Transaction Cost Economies
Present and evaluate the literature with respect to business service outsourcing (BSO), with a particular concentration on a common [Orm of BSO, information technology (IT). The review defines the issues with respect to...
El crowdfunding como alternativa para el emprendedor del siglo XXI
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las formas de finan ciamiento para los emprendedores en la actualidad, a través del modelo del crowdfunding. Esta herramienta del siglo XXI permite la obtención de r...