Niebłahy drobiazg. „On” Bolesława Prusa


A Significant Trifle. Bolesław Prus’ He The article deals with Bolesław Prus’ short story entitled He, written in 1882 and so far omitted in monograph works. Owing to this fact, despite its important issues of determinism, utilitarianism, individualism, and of the concept of the genius, as well as the superiority of the common good to the private good of individuals He has come non-existence, as far as its reception is concerned. Therefore, through a careful analysis of the semantics of the title, an examination of its origin, and an interpretation of the ideological content, this article wishes to save this “short piece of prose” from oblivion.

Authors and Affiliations

Sylwia Karpowicz-Słowikowska


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  • EP ID EP397711
  • DOI 10.18318/wiekxix.2014.9
  • Views 74
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How To Cite

Sylwia Karpowicz-Słowikowska (2014). Niebłahy drobiazg. „On” Bolesława Prusa. Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza, 0(), 147-165.