Nietypowy obraz choroby Madelunga z zajęciem krtani: opis przypadku
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 3
Madelung's disease (multiple symmetric lipomatosis, Launois–Bensaude syndrome) is a rare metabolic disease, characterized by atypical symmetrical accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the neck, upper and lower limbs. The development of disease is associated with mutations or deletions of a number of mitochondrial DNA in fat cells, and their likely trigger of formation is alcohol. Radical resection of fat mass is difficult, leading to frequent recurrences. The larynx involved in this condition is rare and can belife-threatening. Presents an unusual course of the Madelung's disease in a patient with location of lipomas in the supraglottic area. The patient was successfully treated with endoscopic laser techniques.
Authors and Affiliations
Dmitry Tretiakow, Tomasz Przewoźny, Andrzej Skorek, Czesław Stankiewicz
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