Nieustająca admiracja dla starożytnego Rzymu
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2014, Vol 9, Issue
Recenzja książki: Atlante di Roma antica. Biografi a e ritratti della Città, A cura di Andrea Carandini con Paolo Carafa, Mondadori Electa S.p.a., Milano 2012, 1: Testi e immagini, 638 s. + 216 il.; 2: Tavole e indici, 446 s.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Kluczek
W kręgu rzymskich reliefów bitewnych
W kręgu rzymskich reliefów bitewnych. Stephan Faust, Schlachtenbilder der römischen Kaiserzeit. Erzählerische Darstellungskonzepte in der Reliefkunst von Traian bis Septimius Severus, Tübinger Archäologische For¬schungen...
Tożsamość narodowa mieszkańców Wielkiego Księstwa Poznańskiego
The article undertakes the issue of struggle for national identity on the territories of the Prussian partition. In the Grand Duchy of Poznań, intelligentsia was the main-stay of patriotism, who chose to engage in organi...
To, co dawne jako to, co dobre, czyli o wartościowaniu antyku w polskich kazaniach późnego średniowiecza
This article aims to outline several issues related to the reception of antiquity in Polish sermons of the late Middle ages. The manner in which antique threads were manifested in the texts of sermons is analysed by draw...
Etxe jako baskijskie „słowo-klucz”
This paper is concerned with the interpretation of a Basque notion of etxe (“home”) in the context of the concept of keywords in the process of culture discovery. Ac-cording to the author, the word is an essential consti...
Religia w służbie polityki. Mistyka syjonizmu religijnego
The aim of this article is to present the contribution of Religious Zionism to the strategy and ideology of Zionism. This contribution consisted in conferring a halo of sanctity upon Zionism, nation, state and the territ...