Nikolai Aleksandrovitsch Bernsztein - On Dexterity and its Development; Motor Control
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 29
In the paper there is presented a general outline of N.A. Bernstein's theory, describing processes of shaping and executing movements in living beings. As most advanced manifestation of movement abilities the Author regards the dexterity, being the most complex system including both energetic and information elements. According to Bernstein, the basic process in learning and controlling the movements is the reduction of freedom degrees, i.e. the choice of a determined way for executing the given sensorimotor performance from among many different possibilities. Particular elements of motor abilities, both energetic and information ones, Bernstein relates closely with muscles' and central nervous system's properties. He creates the system of five motor control levels, corresponding to particular organs in the central nervous system: rubro-spinal level of muscle tonus (A), thalamus-pallidum level of muscle synergies (B), striatum-cortex level of space field (C), cortex-parietal-prefrontal level of movement performances (D); at the same time he mentions cortical level of symbolic transformations (E). The Author describes development of this system in the course of evolution in all living beings. He takes the assumption that each sensorimotor performance is corresponded to some main control level, while lower levels work automatically (as a background), i.e. without engaging the performer's attention.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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