Nitric oxide content in rats hepatocytes under conditions of alimentary protein deprivation and toxic injury
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2
In the research, the nitric oxide content in the rat liver and blood serum subcellular fractions under the conditions of alimentary protein deprivation and acute toxic damage by acetaminophen are presented. In order to simulate the low-protein diet of the animal for 28 days, an isoenergy diet containing 4.7 % protein, 10 % fats and 85.3% carbohydrates was calculated according to according to American Institute of Nutrition recommendations. The simulation of acute toxic lesions was performed by per os administration into experimental animals of acetaminophen at a rate of 1250 mg / kg of animal weight. Mitochondrial and cytosolic fraction of the liver cells of the rats were prepared by the method of preparative differential centrifugation. The content of nitrogen oxide was determined according to a unified method by determining the content of NO2-, which is a stable nitrogen oxide metabolite. Since NO is inactivated in the oxidation reaction with conversion into nitrite or nitrate, which is rapidly metabolised, the nitrogen oxide content is evaluated by changing NO2-.It was established that in mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions of liver cells of the rats there is an increase in the content of nitric oxide in comparison with the control with the maximum values in the animal group, which received toxic doses of acetaminophen (60% and 42 % respectively) against the background of alimentary deprivation of protein. Meanwhile, in the blood serum of experimental groups of rats, there is also an increase in NO content compared to the values of the control group of animals. It should be noted that the alimentary derivation of the protein and the administration of the toxic doses of acetaminophen exhibit the same pattern as changes in the concentration of nitric oxide. In this way, the implementation of the biological effects of nitric oxide is largely determined by its bioavailability, that is, the equilibrium between its generation, on the one hand, and utilization in tissues or interception by superoxide anion radicals and interaction with other cellular components, on the other. The growth of the content of NO may cause a violation in the redox-dependent mechanisms, which is the intermediate stage in the occurrence and development of pathological conditions.
Authors and Affiliations
Галина Копильчук, Іванна Николайчук, Юлія Коханюк
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