Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences about economic cycles and crisess
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2012, Vol 20, Issue 1
In the light of the current economic crises and cycles, the article presents views on these issues represented by Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences. Opinions of the economists are discussed from the cognitive theory perspective, in comparison with economic situation before and after the World War II. In 1969 the prestigious Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was granted to researchers of macroeconomics, among others. In the discussed context, their views represent two orthodox schools discussed in this paper—Keynesian economics and monetarism. In the continuation and elaboration of the study, two new options are presented: the new Keynesian economics school and the new classical economics school. The subsequent part of the discussion is devoted to financial crises and their relation to business cycle, as well as the present financial situation in Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Siekierski
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