Non-Military Defense Against Covid-19 in Bali Indonesia
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2022, Vol 5, Issue 01
The importance of strengthening non-military defense capabilities in the province of Bali as a result of the threat of the Covid-19 virus is motivated by the importance of maintaining national defense from various non-military threats, such as ideological, political, economic, socio-cultural threats, terrorism, drugs and public safety such as the spread of the Covid-19 virus. . The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the province of Bali is still high where as of June 9, 2021, it was recorded that the cumulative number of cases was 47,581 people, 45,630 people recovered (95.90%), and 1,514 people died (3.18%), 437 active cases. people (0.92%), with the highest number of sufferers in Denpasar City with an accumulation of 15,032 sufferers. The spread of the Covid-19 virus in Bali has reduced economic growth and people's income in the tourism aspect. From these conditions, questions can be drawn about how the level of non-military Defense capability is to deal with the threat of the Covid-19 virus, alternative priorities and strategies for strengthening non-military Defense capabilities. By using quantitative research methods on non-military defense capabilities in policy/regulatory aspects (3.6), early awareness (3.9), state defense (3.9), technological capability (3.7) and budgetary support (3.5 ). To support the strengthening of non-military defense capabilities, it is necessary to formulate appropriate policies and establish non-military threat countermeasures institutions. The strategic step that needs to be taken is to increase the ability to analyze various potential threats in order to provide appropriate data analysis to deal with various potential military threats. As a suggestion, government action is needed to support increased national awareness to prevent risks from non-military threats.
Authors and Affiliations
Ketut Budiantara, Ikhwan Syahtaria, Dohar Siantur, Lukman Yudho Prakoso, Herlina Juni Risma Saragih, Ernalem Bangun
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