Non-Penal Policy Strategy in Tackling Criminal Acts of Terorisme in Indonesia
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 05
With so many cases of Radicalism-Terrorism still occurring in Indonesia, it is necessary to tackle crime penally and non-penally. In this study using normative methods. The results of this study found two types of approaches that became penal and non-penal policies. Penal policy in this case makes eradication efforts using the legal basis of Law number 15 of 2018 concerning amendments to Law number 5 of 2003. Meanwhile, non-penal efforts are carried out with preventive actions by precipitating humanity that focuses on prevention such as improving the morality of the Indonesian nation from an early age, providing socialization and understanding of the dangers of Radicalism-Terrorist, understanding of religion and the state of Pancasila, and strengthening coordination and cooperation between agencies to carry out prevention efforts together.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Khoirul Arofik, Umi Rozah
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