Non-union of Isolated Displaced Triquetral Body Fracture- A Case Report

Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2012, Vol 14, Issue 1


AbstractTriquetral fractures are the second most common carpal fractures. Triquetral body fractures are the less common type of triquetral fractures but they can be missed on plain radiographs and a non-union can be associated with considerable morbidity and reduction in functional activities. We report a unique case of displaced isolated triquetral body fracture that was initially missed on plain radiographs and resulted in non-union. The fracture non-union was diagnosed on magnetic resonance imaging and was treated successfully with open reduction and internal fixation using compression screws, without bone grafting, and early mobilisation of the wrist allowing a return to premorbid activity levels. To our knowledge, this has not been previously described in the literature. We advocate early clinical suspicion of triquetral fractures in patients with persistent ulnar-sided wrist pain following trauma, and early evaluation using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Authors and Affiliations

Mamun Al Rashid Al Rashid, Sonia Rasoli, Wasim S Khan S Khan, Gregory Packer


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How To Cite

Mamun Al Rashid Al Rashid, Sonia Rasoli, Wasim S Khan S Khan, Gregory Packer (2012). Non-union of Isolated Displaced Triquetral Body Fracture- A Case Report. Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 14(1), 71-74.