Nonlinear problems of stress concentration for plates with curvilinear holes.
Journal Title: Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա - Year 1970, Vol 23, Issue 6
Authors and Affiliations
S. N. Babiuk, I. A. Ciurpal
A load transfer from circular stringer to an elastic infinite plate.
Intluence of initial elektroelastic state (geometrical nonlinearity)on small amplitude waves propagation.
Transverse Vibration of Vertical Beam Under Action of Follower Type Load
In this work the problem of stability of disturbed movement beam with point mass at two different boundary condition is considered.Found critical value of force when taked place devergent and flutter instability.
Stability of the circular ring plate compressed by radial forces, applied on the external contour.
On some plane contact problems of the theory of elasticity with cohesive forces taken into account the integral and differential equations connected with them.