Normative and law regulation of land protection in the process of land reform
Journal Title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" - Year 2020, Vol 2, Issue 6
The current state of the regulatory framework in the field of land protection is analyzed; such regulatory framework is designed to ensure the regulation of land protection measures in the agricultural sector of the economy. The declarative, fragmentary and unsystematic nature of most of the norms of national environmental legislation on land protection, along with the lack of adequate financial support, results in the low volume of actually implemented land protection measures. The latter, in turn, is the cause of a significant spread of degradation processes, deterioration of soil quality, reduced productivity of agricultural landscapes.It is proved that the only mechanism to ensure reliable protection of agricultural lands from harmful anthropogenic impact is land management, which provides improvement of land relations, planning and organization of rational use and protection of land at all levels from national to economic. The necessity of developing the National Program of Land Use and Protection as the main legislative act of strategic direction in this area is substantiated, making changes and additions to legislative acts on the content and structure of land protection measures, elaboration and approval at the legislative level of norms in land protection and soil fertility reproduction.
Authors and Affiliations
А. Barvinskyi, І. Kupriyanchyk, О. Herasymenko
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