Normative Aspects of Regulating the Digital Economy Development

Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2022, Vol 1, Issue 3


Digitalization of the economy is an objective reality. A typical situation for many countries is that regulatory and legal regulation is inferior to the pace of development of the digital economy. The dynamics of the digital economy is largely determined by the intensity of enterprises' use of information and communication technologies in their activities. In this context, the value of the experience of the world's leading countries in matters of normative regulation of digital economy development is increasing. The article aims to reveal the peculiarities of the normative regulation of the digital economy development in Ukraine and the world's leading countries. The author analyzed international and European normative acts aimed at state regulation of various aspects of digitalization of the national economy and society in general. The conducted analysis made it possible: a) to identify common features in the normative provision of regulation of the digital economy development; b) testified that many countries of the world have national strategies for the digital economy development; c) identified the priority directions of digitization of various sectors of the economy; d) determine the features of electronic interaction “state – enterprise”; e) systematize the principles of using modern information and communication technologies. The vision of the digital economy laid down in the project of the Digital Agenda of Ukraine – 2020 was separately analyzed. It was determined that Ukraine mainly adheres to the approaches of the European Union to the state regulation of digital economy development. The positive dynamics of the digital economy requires applying a comprehensive approach to forming the population's digital skills. It is advisable to study the digital economy in educational institutions, as well as in the field of non-formal education. This approach will contribute to the formation of the population's digital culture and the digital economy development in general.

Authors and Affiliations

Dmytro Kotelevets


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  • EP ID EP715471
  • DOI 10.33146/2307-9878-2022-3(97)-102-109
  • Views 58
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How To Cite

Dmytro Kotelevets (2022). Normative Aspects of Regulating the Digital Economy Development. Oblik i finansi, 1(3), -.