Normative workload on physicians of ophthalmological in-hospital departments of intensive care hospital, depending on the volume of work performed 

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2013, Vol 18, Issue 2


The research was done with the application of “Methodology of definition of normative workload of physicians of in-hospital departments of intensive care hospitals” approved by the Ministry of health care of Ukraine on the basis of two ophthalmological departments of hospital N 8 in Dniptropetrovsk, where a routine and urgent intensive and secondary care of ophthalmological profile is provided in twenty-four-hour regime. Normative workload of ophthalmologists is substantiated coming from on the number of cured patients and number of surgeries per year.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Ginzburh, O. Lamza


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How To Cite

V. Ginzburh, O. Lamza (2013). Normative workload on physicians of ophthalmological in-hospital departments of intensive care hospital, depending on the volume of work performed . Медичні перспективи, 18(2), 128-133.