Новації у сфері управління діяльністю прокуратури
Journal Title: European Journal of Management Issues - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 6
The author studied the changes in the law enforcement system of the state, the formation of the legal status, the direction of improvement of the activity of law institutions. The author posed the problem: to study during the reform of the procuracy innovation management law enforcement sphere, important factors restart and dynamic department changes. To achieve the objective the author has used a complex of methods: a comparative, structural analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. The author studied the changes in the law enforcement system of the state, the formation of the legal status, the direction of improvement of the activity of law institutions. The author has studied innovation management procuracy activity during the reform of the law enforcement sphere. The author studied the new principles of personnel policy department, independent and open competition appointment to the vacant post, a new motivation system, increasing the level of independence at the time of decision-making, elimination of unnecessary features and improving the disciplinary responsibility of workers. The scientific novelty consists in the study of innovation in the management of the procuracy activities during the reformation of society. The author has analyzed the new principles of personnel department policy, independent and open competition appointment to the vacant positions a new motivation system, increasing independence during the decision making process, the elimination of unnecessary functions and improvement of disciplinary liability of workers, improved monitoring systems, the release of employees from illegal demands leadership. The author noted the role of the independent and democratic organizations of procuracy self-government - the Council of Procuracy and Qualification Commission, which contributed to liquidation of uncharacteristic functions (total control of the legality) and increased disciplinary action. The author has identified the use of international experience and European standards of law enforcement during the execution of reforms in the sphere of ministry management. The practical significance of the study is to use the results in further reformatting procuracy in the new law enforcement structure that will meet the requirements of jural state. Further research in this field will contribute to the search for innovative ways to solve problems of reforming the law-enforcement sphere of our state.
Authors and Affiliations
Vyacheslav Slyvenko
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