
У статті розкрито зміни, які відбулися в організації праці в сільському господарстві України у 80-х рр. ХХ ст. Здійснено аналіз таких форм організації праці як колективний підряд, індивідуальний та сімейний підряд, оренда. Встановлено, що зміни, започатковані радянським керівництвом в сільськогосподарському виробництві, мали переважно формальний характер, не зачіпали суті виробничих відносин, що зумовило їх неефективність та поглибило кризу колгоспно-радгоспної системи. Under the pressure of product crisis in 80-ties of XX century the Soviet government implemented some modernization of agricultural production provided that the collective farms system and soviet production system were preserved. Based upon numerous archive sources this article reveals the changes that took place in labor organization in agriculture of Ukraine in 1980-ties and defines their inefficiency. Implementation of brigade and collective contracts system at farms of Ukrainian Soviet Republic went extremely fast. Though this process was mainly formal. Management of collective farms chasing the quantitative index which was imposed on them by higher governance stuck to mainly mechanic transition to collective contracts of all farm branches. But statistic achievements of these indexes did not guarantee any progressive changes in agricultural development. From the middle of 80-ties in Ukraine a wide spreading of family and personal contracts took place in the sphere of cattle breeding and plant growing. More than a half of all farms employed such system but this didn't bring any significant results generally in the country. In the second half of 80-ties of XX century in Ukraine there was some spreading of lease relations also. Despite of the higher productivity of lease workers the implementation of the lease relations didn't provide significant improvement in the agriculture in Ukraine. Lease collectives worked in the frames of collective farm and soviet production system and this fact determined their low efficiency. The attempts of reforms in agriculture in 80-ties in general and implementation of new forms of labor organization in particular were doomed to failure as they didn't touch upon the essence of production relations. Totalitarian state was unable to make qualitative changes in the system of production relations because they demanded the changes of ownership forms. The reason is that the implementation of private ownership itself contradicted the very nature of totalitarian system with its plan-and-distribute economics and state monopoly on production means.

Authors and Affiliations

Світлана Давидівна Марченко


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Світлана Давидівна Марченко (2018). НОВІ ФОРМИ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЇ ПРАЦІ В СІЛЬСЬКОМУ ГОСПОДАРСТВІ УКРАЇНИ У 80-Х РОКАХ ХХ СТОЛІТТЯ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 8(21), 44-51. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-536406