Novice therapists difficulties. A literature review
Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2015, Vol 172, Issue 1
ReviewLiterature about difficulties in novice therapist practice appears from 50'. Usually it contains qualitative research, case studies or review papers regarding this subject. The most common difficulties are: anxiety about one's incompetence, managing with work complexity, using ones own feelings regarding work with patients, beliefs how therapy should work, boundaries around self, evaluation during supervision and using basic therapeutic techniques. Within described techniques there is mention of common difficulties for therapist from different orientations. They are connected to general specification of the therapist work – meeting with patients, imperfect use of therapeutic techniques or ones own beliefs how the therapy should work and what is the aim of it. There are mentioned difficulties characteristic for psychodynamic or cognitive-behavioral orientation which are probably a consequence of the basic assumptions for each of the orientations. Reviewed literature rarely connects difficulties to the personality of the therapist. This work shortly describes a connection between personality traits and therapeutic orientation.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Zielińska
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