Journal Title: DYSKURS Pismo Naukowo-Artystyczne ASP we Wrocławiu - Year 2017, Vol 23, Issue 23
Maria Anna Potocka: Nowa estetyka, Wydawnictwo Aletheia, Warszawa 2016, s. 212.
Maria Anna Potocka: Nowa estetyka, Wydawnictwo Aletheia, Warszawa 2016, s. 212.
ZEJŚCIE Z COKOŁU Sztuka jako żart. Od Francisa Picabii do Maurizio Cattelana
Dada movement stripped art of seriousness, turned art into a joke, a sophisticated fun. Where there were Dadaists, there was laughter, as Hans Richter once said. Dadaists formed an opposition: bour-geois false values, ov...
Many people believe that the division into high and low art is already a thing of the past, that postmodernity effectively eradicated it. I would like to contradict this view by putting the thesis that the division of ar...
Czy człowiek istnieje tylko konceptualnie? Antropologiczny wątek w myśli Kosutha i Świdzińskiego
Kazimierz Piotrowski Can a man exist only conceptually? Kosuth and Świdziński’ s anthropological ideas In ‘Notes on “Crane” (1970), Joseph Kosuth hypothesized that art ‘only’ existed in conceptual form, because people (p...
„Pustynia doznań bezprzedmiotowych” – nowy realizm malarski Kazimierza Malewicza – ekskurs (a)historyczny
No ‚image of reality’ – no imaginary things – nothing but desert. This emptiness is enliven by the spirit pervading all no-object experience. – This way, questioning the objectivity in painting, Casimir Malewich wrote in...
Przyjemna lekkość fotografii. Część 1 – przyjemności ciała
Marianna Michałowska Pleasant Lightness of Photography, Part 1 – the Pleasures of Body Photography today is for its users mainly a source of different kinds of delights. Some of them are entailed by a nice view, pleasant...