In the transformation of Polish cities in the last quarter of a century, ground rent has played an important role, and developers have emerged as one of the most important actors in the production of space. As a result,...
The global economic crisis has contributed to the intensification of sociological and public debates
on the limits of the free market, which poses anew the problem of alternatives to the neoliberal
model of capitalism. H...
Modern Russian society is undergoing a transition from a paradigm of communistic ideology
to an ideology which gives prominent recognition to historical national spiritual institutes. The
multi-religious state is enterin...
EP ID EP165926
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How To Cite
Tomasz Rawski, Katarzyna Roman (2014). Nowa socjologia literatury? Notatki z konferencji. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 63(3),
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Kapitalizm a kwestia miejska / Capitalism and the urban question
In the transformation of Polish cities in the last quarter of a century, ground rent has played an important role, and developers have emerged as one of the most important actors in the production of space. As a result,...
Co socjologia i socjologowie mogą wnieść do studiów nad przyszłością? – komunikat z debaty zorganizowanej w ramach XVI Ogólnopolskiego Zjazdu Socjologicznego w Szczecinie - kronika
Kerstin Lacobsson, Elżbieta Korolczuk (eds.), Civil society revisited. Lessons from Poland, Berghahn, New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books 2017
Odczarowanie rynku? Socjologiczne refleksje o konsekwencjach globalnego kryzysu ekonomicznego w Polsce
The global economic crisis has contributed to the intensification of sociological and public debates on the limits of the free market, which poses anew the problem of alternatives to the neoliberal model of capitalism. H...
Confessional Processes in Russia: From Atheism to Religious Pluralism / Procesy przemian wyznaniowych w Rosji: od ateizmu do religijnego pluralizmu
Modern Russian society is undergoing a transition from a paradigm of communistic ideology to an ideology which gives prominent recognition to historical national spiritual institutes. The multi-religious state is enterin...