Nowotwory przerzutowe w śliniance przyusznej
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2012, Vol 1, Issue 3
Not only primary malignancies but also metastatic tumors may be found within the parotid gland. Aim: Epidemiological and clinical characteristic, and preliminary assessment of treatment results. Material and methods: The retrospective analysis of 95 cases with metastatic tumors to the parotid gland, selected from the material of H&N Surg. Dept of Holy Cross Cancer Center in Kielce – Poland (2001–2011), with the analysis of age, sex, localization and histopathology of primary tumor, stage according to O’Brien classifiation, diagnostic methods and treatment modalities, and analysis of 3 and 5 years survival. Results: Studied group consits of 95 patients (56 M, 39 F), in the age ranging from 31 to 97 years (mean 74.6). The most common primary localization of metastatic tumor was skin of the head and neck (Squamous Cell Ca – 53.7%; Malignant Melanoma 28.4%). 81% of patients underwent radical therapy intentionally – mostly combined surgery and radiotherapy. 19.0% of patients received symptomatic and palliative treatment only. In the group with 3 and 5 years of observation accordingly, 51.7% and 34.0% total survival was achieved. Conclusions: 1. Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Malignant Melanoma of the head and neck skin are the most common origin of metastases to the parotid gland. 2. This kind of metastases are usually diagnosed in the advanced local stage of the disease. 3. The treatment of choice is surgery followed by radiotherapy. 4. Systematic follow-up can probably improve survival prognosis.
Authors and Affiliations
Stanisław Żyłka, Marcin Zawadzki, Sławomir Okła, Sylwia Postuła, Magdalena Ziółkowska
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