Nowotwory złośliwe krtani pochodzenia mezenchymalnego w materiale własnym

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 2


SUMMARY Although laryngeal malignancies of mesenchymal origin (laryngeal sarcomas, LS) are extremely rare (1% of all laryngeal malignancies), the histological manifestations are very diverse. LS sign as a solid tumor covered with an intact mucosa. The aim of the study: was to evaluate retrospective data referring: epide-miology, clinical manifestations, treatment and early follow-up; based on medical record made in ORL, HNS Surgery Dpt of Holy Cross Cancer Centre in Kielce during 9-years period 2001-2009. Materia! and methods: The retrospective analysis of the group of 12 patients with LS was made. Studied characteristics were: age, sex, primary focus, histological outcome, treatment options and early follow-up. Results: Age of the group of 12 studied patients (10 M, 2 F) ranged from 48 to 84 (mean 69.8). LS accounted 1.2% (12/935) for all of laryngeal malignan-cies. The focus of origin were: glottis (6), epiglottis (5); subglottis (1). The most common histological types of LS at studied group were: neurosarcoma (2), fibrosarcoma (2), plasmocytoma (2), chondrosarcoma (1), malignant fibrous histiocytoma (1), sarcoma low grade (1), lymphoma malignum (1), liposarcoma (1) and haemangioendothelioma epithelioides vel plasmocytoma (1). Methods of treatment were: surgery (6); radiotherapy (1); chemotherapy (1); chemo- and radiotherapy (3); symptomatic treatment (1). The clinical results of treatment are: 9 patients are stili alive (5 pts more than 5 years, 3 pts less than 5 years, 1 pts less than 2.5 years with residual disease); 3 patient died: 2 pts in 1st year from diagnosis, 1 pts after 3 years of treatment died of non-oncological causes. Conclusions: 1. LS are extremely rare and diversed histologically. 2. Immu-nochemical analyses are very important procedures used in diagnostics of these malignancies. 3. An individual approach is needed in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of LS.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Żyłka , Marcin Zawadzki, Sławomir Okła


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Stanisław Żyłka, Marcin Zawadzki, Sławomir Okła (2011). Nowotwory złośliwe krtani pochodzenia mezenchymalnego w materiale własnym. Otolaryngologia Polska, 65(2), 97-102.