Nowy wymiar komunikowania politycznego na przykładzie języka prezydenta Czech Miloša Zemana
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
The purpose of this paper is to look at the communication strategy of the current Czech President Miloš Zeman. It includes analysis of three selected presidential statements – two from meetings with the inhabitants of the Czech Republic and one, which is a fragment of a radio broadcast. The point of reference is P. Grice’s maxim of conversation and G.N. Leech rules of politeness on the one hand, and rules typical of political communication on the other hand. The results of analyzes show that this most likely a new trend in the process of communication with voters. It’s the main means of communication are direct meetings, which in some way overshadowing media. Voters here are a special kind of authority, which for politicians becomes some kind of model both in terms of behavior and language. As a result, politicians say to their constituents what they expect of them and in a way that is close to them. For language this means carelessness, usage everyday language but also vulgarization and for political communication this means resignation from the language of diplomacy, resignation from the respect for the political opponent, but his constituents also.
Authors and Affiliations
Renata Rusin-Dybalska
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