Nuevo algoritmo para la detección de bordes en imágenes para esteganografía
Journal Title: MASKANA - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 2
The present research investigation addresses information security in the area of Software Engineering. Using steganography and cryptography, an improvement was proposed to the Canny Edge detection algorithm to hide information in a multimedia environment, encrypting the message with the symmetric cryptographic algorithm Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to increase security. Netbeans was applied as the development environment and the following tools to perform the tests on the images: IonForge ImageDiff to compare pixel to pixel differences, Beyond Compare to compare hex code, StegSecret to perform test steganos and Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit to perform Benchmark tests. Two prototypes were developed: in Prototype I the standard Canny Edge detection algorithm was used, and in Prototype II the new proposal for improvement of the Canny Edge detection algorithm. Both prototypes were incorporated in the AES symmetric cryptographic algorithm. Results revealed that Prototype II performs better because the information incorporated in the multimedia environment is more diffuse, resistant to the analysis, and the results of the metrics related to the quality of the image Peak Signal To Noise Ratio (PSNR) Mean Square Error (MSE) are more optimal.
Authors and Affiliations
Pablo Martí Méndez, Henry Mauricio Villa, Andrés Santiago Cisneros
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