Numerical-Experimental Analysis of Applicability of NANOS-BA Steel for Armour


Described in this paper is the analysis of the applicability of NANOS-BA steel for armour. The results of depth of penetration (DP) tests of the NANOS-BA steel plates placed on the Armox 600T „witness” plate and fired at with the 12.7 mm B-32 type projectile are shown. These results are compared to the Al2O3 ceramic plate penetration with the use of the same method. In both cases the armour was of similar area density (approx. 39 kg/m2). The theoretical analysis of the applicability of the NANOS-BA steel in a layered armour was conducted and numerical simulations of the DP tests were performed. Additional simulations were made for two variants of layered armour penetration: in variant 1 – One of the layers in construction was of the NANOS-BA steel, in variant 2 – One of the layers was of special ceramics. The process of the simulations verification is described, in which the deformations of the „witness” plate obtained experimentally are compared to the results of the simulations. Small differences (< 2 mm) of penetration were obtained in the simulations and experimentally confirmed that the simulations were performed correctly.

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How To Cite

Adam WIŚNIEWSKI, Paweł ŻOCHOWSKI (2013). Numerical-Experimental Analysis of Applicability of NANOS-BA Steel for Armour. Problemy Mechatroniki. Uzbrojenie, lotnictwo, inżynieria bezpieczeństwa, 4(4), 15-26.