Nursing in hemodynamic laboratory: diagnosis and intervention based on the Roy Adaptation Theory
Journal Title: Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem - Year 2010, Vol 12, Issue 4
In the face of the magnitude of coronary diseases in our social environment, it emerged the need of enlarging our knowledge concerning the adaptive experience of patients that live with it. We aimed to infer the nursing diagnoses present in patients with coronary illnesses assisted at a Hemodynamic Laboratory, under the light of the physical-physiologic way of Roy's adaptation model; and to relate their respective nursing interventions. This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study with quantitative approach, carried out at a public hospital, of Fortaleza/CE-Brazil, from July to September of 2009, in a sample of 233 patients. Ten nursing diagnoses were considered for discussion, the ones that presented frequency above 30 percent: risk of infection; risk of bleeding; impaired verbal communication; risk of activity intolerance; acute pain; risk of perfusion to tissular cardiac reduced; bath self-care deficit; anxiety; impaired dentition; and impaired comfort. Nursing intervention proposals were elaborated based in these diagnoses. Roy's model served to address the stages of the Nursing Process, reinforcing the applicability of such technologies in the health area, once they make possible improvements for the nursing assistance in cardiology.
Authors and Affiliations
Mirna F Oliveira, Lúcia de Fátima da Silva
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