Nutrigenomics – Impact on Health
Journal Title: International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 1
When perceived from a holistic point of view, the aliment is more than what it seems to be: for some people it is a manner of using their senses, for others it is a physiological necessity, or both, intertwined with culinary symbols and traditions. The metabolism of the cells which form the human body processes the information provided by the alimentary matrix, fulfilling the integrity of the entire system and helping it to adapt to the environmental changes. In other words, “we are what we eat and what our parents and ancestors ate”, “basically living and dying at a cellular level”. This information is nowadays well founded by a new branch of nutrition and genetics, nutrigenomics. Nutritional genomics will play an important part in managing the complex chronic maladies, this type of management being based on the interaction between nutrients and genes.
Authors and Affiliations
Emilia Pascu, Oana-Maria Milea, Petronela-Sonia Nedea
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