Nutrition in pediatric palliative care
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2014, Vol 27, Issue 3
Nutrition therapy is one of the key part of treatment of many diseases in the pediatric care. Appropriate diet, that allows to cover current nutritional requirements not only allows to maintain/improve nutritional status and general health of the child but also to achieve better results of therapy. In the absence of the possibility to cover the nutritional needs with daily consumed meals is often recommended to enrich the diet in special nutritional supplements or implementation the enteral/parenteral nutrition. Nevertheless, additionally to the above-mentioned issues the introduction of nutritional treatment in terminally ill children requires also taking into account the current status and patient’s life expectancy as well as the care of its well-being, quality of life and relieve the pain and suffering. Therefore, the decision to start with the nutritional therapy is not always easy and straightforward, requires an individual approach and analysis both the potential benefits and risks associated with implementing such kind of treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Matuszczyk, Michał Szczepańsk, Anna Wiernicka, Jarosław Kierkuś
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