Nutrition preferences of children ages 7–10

Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 4


INTRODUCTION The eating preferences and habits initiated from the beginning of our life have a significant impact on proper nutrition through our lifetime. Parents play a major role in this process because their children learn from them what is healthy and what is not. The main objective of the work is to assess the food preferences of children aged 7-10 years, taking into account the views of children and their parents. An additional aim is to demonstrate the correlation between the frequency of consumption of selected products, and their declared level of acceptance. MATERIALS AND METHODS During our research we focused on a group of 110 children aged 7–10 and parents who live in Zabrze and Ruda Slaska. Both groups were asked to take part in a survey by filling in two authorial questionnaires. Statistical analysis was conducted based on χ2 Pearson’s test. RESULTS Most of the meals consumed from the analysed group of products were approved of by the children. The research showed that 92% of the children liked apples very much. Out of vegetables, 67% of the children preferred cucumbers. Out of dairy products, 62% of the children selected milk and 56% indicated fruit yogurt as their preferred products. Sour fermented dairy products were defined as products that were the most disliked by children, i.e. 55% of children disliked buttermilk, and 20% of children disliked dark/ whole grain bread. CONCLUSIONS The eating habits and preferences of children are well known by most of their parents. However, this research has not shown the relationship between the level of acceptance of the products and the frequency of their consumption. The results gathered during this research have shown that there is a need to educate both children and their parents to make sure that they understand the rules of good eating habits and its influence on the development of growing children.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Bielaszka, Elżbieta Grochowska-Niedworok, Agata Kiciak, Marek Kardas, Beata Całyniuk, Aleksandra Zima-Dańczyk


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Bielaszka, Elżbieta Grochowska-Niedworok, Agata Kiciak, Marek Kardas, Beata Całyniuk, Aleksandra Zima-Dańczyk (2014). Nutrition preferences of children ages 7–10. Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis, 68(4), 187-191.