Nutritional assessment of children infected with HIV on Pre-ART & on ART
Journal Title: Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 12
Introduction: PEM is one of the commonest manifestations of HIV in India. Malnutrition has a major impact on the outcome of HIV as it not only increases mortality but also results in an impaired response to ART. Nutritional status of children in HIV may affect the outcome of patients taking ART, hence this study was planned. In India there are very less studies to compare various anthropometrical measurements in children on ART and without ART. In this study nutrition of children on ART was compared with those without ART. Methods: All children who were confirmed HIV seropositive were included in this study. Nutritional assessment was done as per WHO classification and categorize as normal, stunting, wasting and under nutrition. Data was obtained and difference in proportion of wasting, stunting and underweight between ART and pre-ART group were analyzed by using SPSS software. It was Prospective case-control study. 1) Total 600 children below 12 years were registered in ART centre, out of which 125 pre-ART and 125 children on ART which came for follow up in ART OPD were enrolled in the study. Results: Underweight was most common type of malnutrition in both group, prevalence of underweight and wasting were more common in ART group as compared to pre–ART group. No difference in prevalence of stunting in both groups. Conclusion: There was statistically significant improvement in nutritional status (underweight and wasting) in ART group at the end of one year with no significant effect on stunting.
Authors and Affiliations
Sunil Holikar, Kiran bhaisare, L. S. Deshmukh
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