Nutritional deficiencies and their changes in the diet of adolescents after 2000. The Warsaw Adolescents Study
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2012, Vol 25, Issue 12
<b>Introduction.</b> During adolescence eating habits are acquired which continue in the established form throughout adult life. To shift them into pro-health direction, recommendations should be formulated on the basis of understanding current nutritional mistakes.<br><b>Aim.</b> The objective of this paper is to identify the prevalence of energy and selected nutrient deficiencies in adolescents’ diet, and to analyse the directions of changes occurring between 1999/2000 and 2005/2006.<br><b>Material and methods.</b> Cross-sectional studies of randomly selected samples of 11-15 year old adolescents from Warsaw area were carried out two times at an interval of 5 years. Nutrition of pupils was evaluated through interviews concerning food intake during the past 24 hours before the study. “Album of products and meals of diverse portion sizes” was used to evaluate the amount of food eaten. Contents of energy, minerals and vitamins were calculated using DIETA 4.0 Computer Software which takes into account nutrient losses resulting from the technology applied to prepare products and meals for eating. To assess the prevalence of deficient diets with reference to Polish Dietary Standards (Normy Żywienia) (2008), a probability evaluation method was applied in accordance with US IOM recommendations. To evaluate the prevalence of reduced body weight, the BMI index and international classification developed by Cole et al. (2007) were used.<br><b>Results. </b>During the five-year period, the prevalence of reduced body weight increased slightly to 13.9% among girls and decreased to 6.4% among boys. A simultaneous increase in the prevalence of diets deficient in energy, protein and carbohydrates was found. The most common dietary deficiencies in adolescents, between 74% and 98% students, are calcium, vitamin D, potassium, magnesium and folates. The prevalence of deficiencies in such nutrients as vitamin E, C, A, B<sub>12</sub>, PP, B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub>, B<sub>6</sub>, iron, iodine, zinc and phosphorus was also high. After five years, the percentage of deficient diets increased for nearly all nutrients analysed.<br><b>Conclusions. </b>Frequent occurrence of multiple mineral and vitamin deficient diets and increase in their prevalence after the five-year period indicate the need for integrating health consideration and dietary goals by all professionals responsible for nutrition of adolescents.
Authors and Affiliations
Jadwiga Charzewska, Zofia Chwojnowska, Elżbieta Chabros, Bożena Wajszczyk
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