nvestigation Of Full Blood Count Parameters, Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio And Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio In Patients With Metabolic Syndrome

Journal Title: Acta Medica Ruha - Year 2023, Vol 1, Issue 3


Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a fatal endocrino pathy that starts with insulin resistance and is accompanied by systemic disorders. Neutrophil-lymphocyteratio (NLR) and platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) can be a determinant in inflammation as an alternative to white bloodcell count.Aim:Inthisstudy, metabolicsyndromecharacterizedbyendothelialdysfunction, subclinicalinflammationandhypercoagulabilityandsystemicinflammationindicator; It is aimedtoshowtherelationshipbetweenneutrophil-lymphocyteratio (NLR) andplatelet-lymphocyteratio (PLR).Method:The study wascarriedoutbyretrospectivelyexaminingthedemographicinformationandlaboratoryrecords of thepatientswhoappliedto Gaziantep Private Emek HospitalInternalMedicinePolyclinicbetween 01/10/2022-30/12/2022 for general healthcontrolorType 2 DM follow-up. Thecasesweredividedinto 2 groups as metabolicsyndromeandcontrolgroup. 63 patientswithmetabolicsyndromeand 53 healthy (controlgroup) patientswereincluded in thestudy.Results:Theneutrophil-lymphocyteratio (NLR) was 3.44 (2.87-4.1) in themetabolicsyndromegroup (n=63), andthe NLR was 1.81 (1.65-2.04) in thecontrolgroup (n=53), andtherewas a statisticallysignificantdifference (p<0.001). Theplatelet-lymphocyteratio (PLR) was 198 (169.5-228.5) in themetabolicsyndromegroupand 101 (87.7-114.2) in thecontrolgroupandwasstatisticallysignificant (p<0.001).Conclusion: Metabolicsyndrome, which is thecause of low-gradechronicinflammation, and NLR and PLR levels, whichareeasilyandinexpensivelyaccessibleindicators of inflammation, werecompared, and NLR and PLR levelswerefoundto be significantlyhigher in themetabolicsyndromegroup. Thisresultshows us thatthesetwoinflammationparameters can be used as prognosticindicatorsin chronicdiseases.

Authors and Affiliations

Akif Doğantekin, Yunus Gören, Nevzat Gözel, Esin Doğantekin, Osman Ersin Avcı


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  • EP ID EP722137
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8250868
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How To Cite

Akif Doğantekin, Yunus Gören, Nevzat Gözel, Esin Doğantekin, Osman Ersin Avcı (2023). nvestigation Of Full Blood Count Parameters, Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio And Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio In Patients With Metabolic Syndrome. Acta Medica Ruha, 1(3), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-722137