О концепции модернизации в современном политическом дискурсе
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
In article is examined the role and place of modernization theory in con-temporary political discourse. Modernization is a socio-philosophical category, which is characterized as a structural organization of society. Modernization and development are closely interrelated. Is examines the theories and views of such famous western scientists as N.Smelser, G.Spenser, S.Huntington, S.Eisenstadt, E.Gellner. The Russian researches – Cozhemiakin, Gavrov, Linnik = analyze the risks of modernization processes. The democratic reforms, difficulties of transition period and radical transformation in the countries became the subject of discussions in post-soviet state in the framework of modernization theory. Political development established the theoretical link between the level of countries development. Modernization can be distinguished from political development. The author is paid attention to the contours and dynamics of political modernization in contemporary world. The main directions of the political modernization processes are: the changes of the political system, stabilization of political relations, institutional adaptation to the current realities and mod-ern challenges, sustainable economic growth and democracy.Political modernization becomes one of the most effective ways for the development of society and the state.
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