O locuinţă de meșteșugar fierar din secolul al XV-lea descoperită la Baia, jud. Suceava

Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2017, Vol 40, Issue 1


We are continuing the publication of some older archeological researches performed by us in the „Catholic Church” section, from Baia (Suceava County), with the occasion of the consolidation works and the restoration of the ruins of the aforementioned worship place. During the archeological researches, in the north-east side of the choir apse of the church (B2), there have been identified the vestiges of five dwellings (LIII- LVII), which succeeded in time, between the year 1440 to the first half of the seventeenth century. With this occasion we will present the first dwelling (LIII), in chronological order. It is a dwelling specific to the type a little deepened in to the ground, consisting of six rooms (C1-C6) arranged in enfilade, with a total surface of 95,71 m2. The dereliction of the dwellingis due to a fire. The inventory objects – represented by various iron objects, ceramic pots, stove tiles and coins – found on the construction level or on the functioning level of the rooms, as well as in the stuffing of the deepened abandoned dwelling, proves the fact that the building functioned during the period covered between the year 1440 and December 1467. It is important to mention that during this period the dwelling was inhabited by a rich townsman who was successfully pursuing his profession of blacksmith.

Authors and Affiliations

Lia Bătrîna, Adrian Bătrîna, Gheorghe Sion


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How To Cite

Lia Bătrîna, Adrian Bătrîna, Gheorghe Sion (2017). O locuinţă de meșteșugar fierar din secolul al XV-lea descoperită la Baia, jud. Suceava. Arheologia Moldovei, 40(1), 55-94. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-292606