O „Portrecie psubrata” i dyskursywizowaniu Schulza
Journal Title: Schulz/Forum - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 5
Edward Mielniczek’s novel, as unattractive in many respects as it is, surprises the reader with Bruno Schulz as its protagonist. The author presents the last weeks of Schulz’s life, stressing no so much his tragic lot, but his efforts to keep his personal identity under the Nazi occupation. The narration, rooted in the tradition of a psychological thriller, denies the received portrayal of Schulz and his vicissitudes as material for “reflective” or “philosophical” discourses. In spite of its many weaknesses – simplistic language, scanty descriptions, and unnatural dialogs – Mielniczek’s forgotten deserves to be reintroduced among texts focusing on the writer from Drogobych.
Authors and Affiliations
Filip Szałasek
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