The "Nowiny Rzeszowskie" at the turn of the 1940s and 50s was a typical local party daily propagating the problems of the province. The content layout was similar to that featuring in the general press in Poland at the t...
The article elaborates the phenomenon of Sławomir Rawicz the author of an only book entitled The long Walk. The book from the 13th of April 1956, written in English and issued by the Constable Publishers in London was a...
EP ID EP103241
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How To Cite
Danuta Hombek (2010). O potrzebie nowej bibliografii polskich gazet i czasopism XVIII wieku. Rocznik Bibliologiczno-Prasoznawczy, 2(13),
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The regional press as a Stalin propaganda medium. "Nowiny Rzeszowskie" on Joseph Stalin's death
The "Nowiny Rzeszowskie" at the turn of the 1940s and 50s was a typical local party daily propagating the problems of the province. The content layout was similar to that featuring in the general press in Poland at the t...
Książki religijne rozprowadzane drogą subskrypcji na tle repertuaru wydawniczego i zainteresowań czytelniczych XVIII wieku
Strategiczny profil marketingowy dziennika regionalnego i tygodnika bezpłatnego
Od redakcji
Truth or mistification?
The article elaborates the phenomenon of Sławomir Rawicz the author of an only book entitled The long Walk. The book from the 13th of April 1956, written in English and issued by the Constable Publishers in London was a...