The Russian Federation is the big biggest petrol and natural gas exporter to the European petrol market. The V4 countries are a part of this market. They have various energy potential, various foreign policy making conce...
Human migration should be considered as one of the fundamental values of cultural and civilization life, which is creating a new social reality. In the European Union there are different attitudes towards migration: on o...
EP ID EP189833
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Tomasz Wybranowski (2011). O przeczuciu słowiańskiej duchowości dwukrotnie chrzczonej (?). Cywilizacja i Polityka, 9(9),
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Strategia energetyczna Federacji Rosyjskiej wobec państw Grupy Wyszechradzkiej
The Russian Federation is the big biggest petrol and natural gas exporter to the European petrol market. The V4 countries are a part of this market. They have various energy potential, various foreign policy making conce...
Lucyna Chmielewska, Pierwotne formy kontraktualizmu. Polityczny wymiar przymierza biblijnego w myśli i praktyce protestanckiej XVI i XVII wieku, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2017, ss. 435
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Human migration should be considered as one of the fundamental values of cultural and civilization life, which is creating a new social reality. In the European Union there are different attitudes towards migration: on o...