Obchody Roku Jadwiżańskiego 2017–2018 w Metropolii Wrocławskiej
Journal Title: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 2
Between October 16th, 2016 and October 16th, 2017 Saint Hedwig’s year was celebrated for the second time in the Metropoly of Wrocław. The 750th anniversary of Saint Hedwig of Silesia’s canonization became an inspiration for announcing this year as Saint Hedwig’s year. She is venerated, among others, as the patron saint of Silesia and of the Archdiocese of Wrocław. It should be mentioned that the first Saint Hedwig’s Year in the Archdiocese of Wrocław was celebrated in the years 1992-1993, during the 750th anniversary of Saint Hedwig’s death. In the article "Celebrations of Saint Hedwig’s Year 2017-2018 in the Wrocław Metropoly" the reasons for declaring Hedwig’s Year and the issues related to its organization were first indicated. Jubilee celebrations took place on several levels: religious, scientific, cultural and social. The International Sanctuary of Saint Hedwig in Trzebnica, where the Patron's tomb is located, was the centre of the celebration. That is why the celebrations which took place there, were highlighted. The indulgence celebrations in the name of Saint Hedwig in 2016 and 2017, connected with the beginning and the end of the jubilee, metropolitan pilgrimages to Trzebnica, of various states, groups, organizations and dioceses, were mentioned.Scientific symposiums and conferences, as well as publications and a catechetical competition, were important elements of the jubilee celebrations. This was discussed further on. Saint Hedwig’s year was also an inspiration for cultural activities. Numerous concerts, artistic exhibitions, as well as parish and monastic festivals took place. On the social level it is worth mentioning that Saint Hedwig was awarded the highest distinction, that is the title of the Honorary Citizen of Lower Silesia CIVI HONORARIO, by the Regional Council of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, and that the Catholic Association "Civitas Christiana" awarded the International Sanctuary of Saint Hedwig of Silesia in Trzebnica with the Prize of Juliusz Ligoń. During Saint Hedwig’s Year, Archbishop Józef Kupny, the Metropolitan of Wrocław, established the "Medal of Saint Hedwig of Silesia". This is the highest award that will be given in the Archdiocese of Wrocław.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogdan Giemza
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