
This study is designed to examine the use of rhetorical terms from the point of view of the kinds of literary styles itiraziyye in Arabic language, which with the point of sight of grammar is a sentence and a literal style in terms of belagât.This article consists of two phases. In the first part, we tried to identify the components of the sentences that are given for the meanings and concepts and terms used in the Arab species. And also irap was briefly mentioned, which is one of the most important issues in Arabic. Crimes were assessed from the point of view of the irap, and the samples of the localities of the irrigation and non-local samples of the irrigation were examined separately. In the second phase, the original conceptual basis of the itiraziyye proposal (objection clause) was evaluated as a whole. Then tried to highlight the differences and commonalities of the proposal itiraziyye between other concepts of belagat. Next come the letters that are assigned for the purpose and use of the objection of the appeal, explained by giving examples from the Qur'an. Finally, the places where the itiraziyye proposal enters the sentence items were briefly explained by citing examples from original sources. The results we have achieved have been completed in our conclusion.

Authors and Affiliations

Kanatbek Orozobekov


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  • EP ID EP249681
  • DOI 10.24013/jomelips.370941
  • Views 118
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How To Cite

Kanatbek Orozobekov (2017). OBJECTION SENTENCES IN ARABIC. Journal of Management Economic Literature Islamic and Political Sciences, 2(2), 172-193. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-249681