OBJECTIVE ASPECT OF THE CRIME «IMPROPER PERFORMANCE OF PROFESSIONAL DUTIES BY A MEDICAL WORKER» (Об'єктивна сторона складу злочину "неналежне виконання професійних обов'язків медичним працівником")
Journal Title: Медичне право - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2
The features of the objective aspect of a crime, such as: non-performance or improper performance of professional duties by a medical worker, have been examined in the article. The problem of a doctor’s error in the practice, has been researched. Some issues of differentiation of a doctor’s error and medical negligence have been considered. There have been determined the notion of socially dangerous consequences, which fall into the scope of evaluation of the concept "grave consequences" of the crimes, foreseen by Article 140 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Rostyslav Lemekha
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OBJECTIVE ASPECT OF THE CRIME «IMPROPER PERFORMANCE OF PROFESSIONAL DUTIES BY A MEDICAL WORKER» (Об'єктивна сторона складу злочину "неналежне виконання професійних обов'язків медичним працівником")
The features of the objective aspect of a crime, such as: non-performance or improper performance of professional duties by a medical worker, have been examined in the article. The problem of a doctor’s error in the prac...