Objective quality of life and level of life satisfaction in people suffering from multiple sclerosis
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 11, Issue 3
The chronic nature of the disease, accompanying numerous ailments and unpredictable pace of deterioration in the patient's condition adversely affect the quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). To make a full and reliable assessment of the quality of life of patients with MS, both the objective and subjective measurements should be taken into account.The study included 30 people with MS and 60 healthy individuals (OZ). Objective quality of life was analyzed on the basis of four indicators: education, employment, income, leisure activities. To assess the subjective quality of life the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire was used. In case of objective determinants of quality of life significant differences between groups were reported in terms of employment, income and certain leisure activities (reading books, travelling). People with MS assessed their overall life situation similarly to healthy controls (HC), i.e. as rather satisfactory. For people with MS the most satisfying were relationships with their partners and family life, and for HCs – self care ability. Both MS patients and HCs were the least satisfied with financial and occupational status. MS patients are rather satisfied with life as a whole, probably due to the satisfaction with leisure activities. In addition, they declare significantly lower employment rate and income as compared to HCs, which confirms a very difficult financial situation of MS patients in Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Tasiemski, Magdalena Koper, Monika Miler
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