Objective Structured Video Examination – A Novel Evaluation Method of a Complex Psychomotor Skill of FNAC Procedure
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 8
The objective evaluation of clinical competency in the present situation has several limitations. Evaluation of FNAC procedure, a clinical competency, should be accurate, reliable and reproducible. Objective Structured Video Exam (OSVE) fulfils these criteria. OSVE can be used for formative, summative, and remediated evaluations of clinical skills. There are very few studies undertaken on utility and feasibility in assessing psychomotor skills, i.e. clinical competency, by OSVE. This study is to assess the feasibility of OSVE in the evaluation of complex psychomotor skills of FNAC procedure. FNAC procedure performed by the 2nd year 16 pathology junior residents in a procedural station in skill lab was video recorded. Evaluation of the pre-recorded video was done by three faculty evaluators with the performance-based criterion checklists (PBC) having 16 components and a global rating scale of 1-5.An interrater reliability analysis using the Kappa statistic was performed to determine consistency among evaluators. The global rating scores based on performance of FNAC were-Excellent in 18.75%, Very good in 25% good in 12.5%, Pass in 18.75% and Fail in 25% of the residents. Group scores based on performance of clinical examination, FNAC procedural skills and the end stage skills were adequate in 43.75%, 56.25% and 31.25 % respectively. Almost perfect agreement, 100% interrater reliability between the three evaluators was observed. Thus OSVE is a novel, competency based, valid, reliable and objective method of evaluation of FNAC procedure, a complex psychomotor skill. There was no inter-observer variability in the present study. Keywords: Evaluation, Psychomotor skill, FNAC, OSVE, PBC Checklist
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. P. V. Kiranmayi, Dr. P. Kumudachalam, Dr. N. Vivekanand, Dr. R. Nagarjunachary
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