Obraz podwarszawskich letnisk w prasie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 47
This article pays attention to rhetorical argumentation used in the press of the interwar period to describe summer resorts near Warsaw. In what ways holiday trips to such resorts were accounted for? What meanings were ascribed to various places? Which activities were considered ‘good’ and ‘proper’ and which were ‘bad’? I try to reconstruct rhetorica vision behind press articles and show how it changed over time. The reason most often given for going to holiday resorts was taking care of one’s health. Suburban sanatoria were cheaper than famous watering places and were often treated as their substitute. However, this narration changed in the 30s – people started declaring that what they search for is mainly entertainment. Holiday should be treated seriously – chaotic activities not planned beforehand and requiring little effort were considered ‘bad’. Not drawing a clear line between work time and holiday time (for example making short trips back from holiday resorts to Warsaw) was presented as improper. However, this also changed in the 30. Suburban settlements ceased to be holiday resorts and started to be thought of as (potentially) ideal places, a happy mixture of a city and a country.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Szurek
Internetowe przygody teorii krytycznej. Recenzja
Internetowe przygody teorii krytycznej. Recenzja<br/><br/>
Everyday Spaces abstracts<br/><br/>
E-humanitaryzm: pomaganie przez klikanie.
Część I: Kino animowane "Od surrealizmu Themersonów po mroczną metafizykę Dumały". Część II: Media a wspólnoty i tożsamości kulturowe. Abstrakty
Abstrakty numeru<br/><br/>
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