Obrazy zakorzenione w technice. Analiza historyczna sposobów obrazowania
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 48
The aim of this paper is to historically analysethe formative impact of image production incommunication practices, and thus, in the visualculture at large. Technical devices changeinvestigated phenomena. Imaging technologiesshape vision and construct the real at the sametime. The image as a field of active powers seemsparticularly relevant for the ubiquity of visualpresentations in contemporary communication.The interinanimation of seeing practicesand imaging technology calls for understandingthe order of organization and productionof visualized knowledge influenced by differentforms of instrumentalization. This researchhelps to establish the relationship between imaginingmethods created in the past and contemporaryimaging technologies. The integrationof historical usages of visualisation methodsemerges technological dimension of culture.These findings shed light on how methods ofvisualization, deployed in the past, have beeninextricably tied to communication practices.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Karolina Główka
Mięso. Cały numer
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