Obrońca wobec opinii biegłego w procesie karnym
Journal Title: Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue 1
In accordance with the binding criminal procedure, the defender may request that an expert witness is called to court by addressing an appropriate motion to a judicial body (the prosecutor or the court). Th e body may consider the motion but is not obliged to do so. Once the witness has been called to court, he or she can be questioned, and his or her expertise and/or impartiality can be examined. Demanding the appointment of a different expert witness is also an option once circumstances that allow or require the exclusion of the previous one have occurred. A motion to appoint another expert witness before the court can be made, yet only if it has been proved that the current expert opinion has been incomplete or unclear, internally contradictory, or contradictory to other opinions issued in the same case. An expert witness may be called to court only by a judicial body. Th e defender has no right to the appointment of his or her own expert witness. Th e most recent revision of the Code of Criminal Procedure (KPK), whose goal was to increase the degree of fairness of trials, still does not envisage the option to have expert witnesses called to court by the defence. Th e court and prosecutor will continue to have a monopoly on the appointment of expert witnesses. Th e defence can only provide ‘a private opinion’ issued at its behest. Th is cannot, however, have the status of an expert opinion (with all the due consequences) but only the status of a private statement that may be read out at the trail but cannot be confronted with an expert witness opinion.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Widacki
Charakter prawny wyroku sądu cywilnego stwierdzającego nieważność uchwały sprzecznej z ustawą podjętej przez wspólników sp. z o.o. lub walne zgromadzenie akcjonariuszy spółki akcyjnej oraz rodzaj wadliwości, którą objęta jest taka uchwała
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