Obsidian finds from the Early Neolithic site at Grumăzeşti – Deleni, Neamţ County
Journal Title: MATERIALE SI CERCETARI ARHEOLOGICE - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 0
The site of Grumăzești – Deleni (Neamț County) was excavated by Silvia Marinescu‐Bîlcu during the late 1960s and 1970s. The excavations unearthed the remains of an Early Neolithic (Starčevo‐Criș) settlement, as well as traces of occupation during the Bronze Age (Komariv and Noua cultures) and the 3rd–4th centuries AD. The excavator’s field notes mention abundant obsidian finds associated with the Early Neolithic occupational layer. However, these original obsidian finds have been mislaid and were not available for analysis. During field surveys undertaken in the general area of the site in 2011 and 2017–2018, a further ten obsidian artefacts were recovered. Non‐destructive Energy Dispersive X‐ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis of these new obsidian finds was undertaken using a Niton ‘XL3t ultra’ handheld portable XRF analyzer. Based on their geochemical and macroscopic characteristics they likely all originated in the Carpathian 1 source area. Situl arheologic de la Grumăzești – Deleni (judeţul Neamț) a fost cercetat de Silvia Marinescu‐Bîlcu la finalul anilor ’60 și pe durata anilor ’70 ai secolului trecut. Cercetările au pus în evidență existența unui sit neolitic timpuriu atribuit culturii Starčevo‐Criș și urme de locuire asociate epocii bronzului (culturile Komariv și Noua) precum și secolelor III–IV p. Chr. Notele de șantier ale Silviei Marinescu Bîlcu menționează numeroase piese de obsidian asociate nivelului neolitic timpuriu, care, din păcate, nu au putut fi regăsite. Perieghezele desfășurate în 2011 și 2017–2018 au dus la recuperarea a 10 piese de obsidian. Pentru analiza EDXRF a acestor piese a fost utilizat un XRF portabil Niton ‘XL3t ultra’. Pe baza caracteristicilor macroscopice și geo‐chimice, obsidianul din care au fost făcute piesele provine din sursa carpatică C1.
Authors and Affiliations
Adina Boroneanț, Vasile Diaconu, Clive Bonsall
Sirma Alexandrova, Typology and chronology of the hand‐made pottery of the Roman and Early Byzantine period (1st – 6th c.) on the territory of Bulgaria (Dissertations, volume 7), Sofia, NIAM‐BAS, 2013, 443 p., 41 figs., 136 pl.
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