Occlusal Splints Used in Prosthetic Management of Tmj Disorders
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 11
Abstract: Stomatognathic system is the functional unit that performs masticatory tasks such as swallowing, speaking, and helps in esthetics.Occlusal splint therapy has been used routinely for diagnosis and treatment of various masticatory system disorders. Treatment with these appliances is non-invasive, reversible, and provides proper treatment. Literature provides an understanding of treatment protocol for the use of splints for temporomandibular disorders. The selection of particular splint design appropriate for patients’ disorder will be facilitated by a better understanding of its physiologic and therapeutic effects. This review article enables reader with basic splint designs and explains how and when to use these effectively
Authors and Affiliations
Sabzar Abdullah, Geeta Rajput, Pranshu Varshney, Niharika Yadav
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