Ocena potencjału energii słonecznej w Warszawie z wykorzystaniem modelu r.sun (Estimating solar energy potential in Warsaw with the „r.sun” model)
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 104, Issue
This research shows the methodological assumptions related to estimating solar energy potential in Warsaw. All calculations were performed with the use of an open-source “r.sun” model available within the GRASS-GIS 6.4. software. Introductory simulations were validated against airborne images confirming the high quality of model calibration against astronomical and simplified 3D model of buildings in Warsaw. Subsequent automation procedures were created for the GNU/Linux supercomputing clusters in order to reduce computation time. To limit the final size of the database, results for the area of 517,000,000 square meters were clipped to cover the surface of rooftops only, using a binary data type (i.e. 0 – shadow, 1 – sunny areas) and synthetic atmospheric conditions (i.e. taking into account annual changes of sun declination, cloudiness, Linke atmospheric turbidity coefficient, etc.). Such a solution enables the following calculations: direct, diffuse and total solar radiation for every square meter of a building’s surface in Warsaw. The obtained GIS layers were then trans-formed as input information for other modules of a fully interactive IT-toolbox for estimating solar potential, which allows citizens and decision makers to estimate how much energy they can derive in a specific point from solar panels, when they can expect a return on their investment and how it will affect the natural environment.
Authors and Affiliations
Bartosz Czernecki, Katarzyna Jabłońska
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